Software architecture of a printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) | GREATPCB |
Over the years, technology has evolved and made our lives a lot easier. There are gadgets and electronics for the simplest of tasks. Everything from cooking to cleaning has become quicker and simpler. However, these gadgets that we use in common everyday life are not as simple as they look. For, at the very centre of this equipment we have a PCB or printed circuit unit that consists of several components. PCB assembling is an extremely complicated process. The unit also involves a software architecture other than the electrical component. Read on to know all about the PCB software framework and its usage. What are PCB networks made of? The printed circuit board is designed to mechanically and electrically support components via a copper foil. There are laminated sheets are soldered into the unit. Plus, there are different types of PCB units that you can pick from. They come in single copper, double copper and multi-copper types. Electricians usually pick from these compon...